Our Listed Products service offers fund management and advisory services on REITs and infrastructure trusts. Our experienced team provides investment strategies and insights to help clients navigate the complex world of listed products and achieve their financial goals.
Our Direct Real Estate service provides clients with access to high-quality real estate investment opportunities. We offer a range of investment options and strategies to help clients build and manage their real estate portfolios, and our team of experts provides tailored advice and support at every step of the investment process.
Our Advisory service provides strategic and long-term consulting services to help clients achieve their investment goals. We work closely with clients to understand their unique needs and challenges, and offer customized solutions to optimize their investment strategies. Our team of experts provides comprehensive support and guidance to help clients navigate complex investment decisions.
Victor Yeung is Admiral's founding managing partner and chief investment officer. Since 2013, he has been responsible for the firm's overall strategy and day-to-day management of its funds. Prior to joining Admiral, Victor was with LaSalle Investment Management, where he managed the Asia Pacific portion of the USD 10 billion Global Real Estate Securities program and eventually became its Managing Director, Asia Pacific Securities. Victor holds multiple degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and serves as an Educational Councilor for MIT. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a professional member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Victor writes regular columns for several news organizations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore, and he is a co-host for a live TV segment on Now TV.
楊書健是安泓投資有限公司的創辦人兼執行合顆人和投資總監。自2013年以來,他全權負責公司的整體策略和基金的日常管理。在加入安泓投資之前,楊先生曾在領盛投資管理工作,負責管理該公司旗下,資產額100億美元的全球房地產證券基金的亞太區部份,並最終成為領盛的亞太區證券部門總經理。楊先生持有多個麻省理工學院的學位,並擔任該校的教育顧問。他是特許金融分析師和皇家特許測量師學會的專業會員。楊先生亦為多家香港、台灣和新加坡的新聞機構撰寫專欄,並在Now TV擔任直播節目《息賺》的客席主持。